Initial instructions for using HP Tuners Editor and Scanner:
Read your stock existing tune and save to downloads. Label the stock read as: "Your Name Here stock read" Do NOT read the FPCM, the last box. Check that as "Do Not Read" or it will cost 2 more credits.
I have attached the LFX scan config file to use, just click on the very left "load config" and pick where the file saved (usually in downloads), and then do a 5-10 minute drive and save as "Your Name Here Stock Drive"
Do not click on it directly.
Then email me both and we will go from there.
Download VCM Suite from here:
Then once we study the scan we will adjust the Parameters in your tune file and send a new revision back to you to flash in and then do another drive log and email back to us. It usually takes 2-3 times to get your individual car dialled in.